Maternity Insurance Policy in India

Maternity Insurance Policy in India for Mothers and their Babies

  • April 2, 2019
  • By Admin: exinsurance
  • Comment: 0

Get Maternity Insurance that is affordable and protects you and your baby in an emergency

Maternity insurance policy in India is usually provided as an add-on or an additional rider with your main health insurance policy. This insurance includes infant delivery options – both expenses related to normal delivery. Some insurance service providers prefer to provide maternity benefits as a rider or additional service and reduce the burden on your pocket. Some corporate give their women employees the benefits of maternity insurance with a health insurance policy. Maternity or pregnancy is an important stage of life, and one needs to prepare beforehand to embrace motherhood. Although nurturing a child is a costly affair and good financial backup may require to meet the needs of the growing child. From a child’s birth to medical tests and costs to medicines, a well-built maternity insurance policy in India plan can help reduce costs. So, in this case, you can enjoy the most enjoyable moments your life without any stress.

Maternity Insurance Policy in India

This motherhood cover provided by coverage up to a maximum of two deliveries for a maternity insurance policy in India. This plan provides coverage for general expenses as well as postpartum expenditures, and any postoperative complications cover for postnatal delivery. There is a waiting period of 3 years and the policy also provides coverage for new birth expenses. Typically, insurance companies allow you to register or purchase a maternity insurance cover only during pregnancy. If you are already pregnant, they do not consider your application. Apart from this, there is a waiting period of 3-4 years before the benefits will receive in maternity insurance policies. Though the standard plan is a normal insurance plan with some benefits; the exclusive and premium plans offer maternity insurance policy in India and newborn coverage. The exclusive and premium options cover maternity expenses incurred both before and after childbirth procedures.

Maternity Insurance Policy in India

Benefits of Maternity Insurance policy in India

Comprehensive health insurance plans that cover Maternity insurance policy in India expenses, there is a waiting period between 2-4 years.  Therefore, if someone needs a maternity cover benefit then it is best to buy a family floater health insurance plan with maternity cover benefits immediately after marriage. From the above discussion, it’s recommended that a person interested in buying a motherhood specific health insurance plan needs to think wisely. She should ask herself whether the small maternity expenses upto Rs 35,000 are worth paying for higher premiums; which is not cover with maternity expenses cover without extensive comes in comparison to health insurance plans. Medical expenses of newly born people for the first and after 90 days of completion; the child cover under the regular policy after payment of additional premium.

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